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verb be, question word where and prepositions

verb be, question word where and prepositions

Verb be (am, is, are)

Affirmative form

I am from Canada.
She is from France.
He is from Mexico.
We are from the United States of America.
They are from China.
You are from Japan.

Negative form

I am not from Greece.
She is not from Spain.
He is not from Thailand.
We are not from United Kingdom.
They are not from India.
You are not from the Philippines.

Yes/no questions

Are you from Italy?
Is she from Russia?
Are they from Poland?
Is he from South Korea?

Question word - where

Where are you from?
Where are they from?
Where is she from?
Where is he from?

Prepositions - from, in, on

I am from England.
They are in Singapore.
He is on vacation.


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