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The Amusement Park by Christina Igupen and Ezra Igupen

The Amusement Park by Christina Igupen and Ezra Igupen

The Amusement Park
A - On one Friday night, Thomas decided to celebrate something in an abandoned amusement park with his best friend, Dominic. And so he gave him a call to meet up at the place.
Dialog – [Thomas and Dominic are on the phone]
Dominic: Hello? (just woke up)
Thomas: Hey man, wanna go to the amusement park with me?
(Dominic is in complete silence for a moment)
Dominic: What?
Thomas: Yeah man, I’ve got like a pack of sodas here, all ready for consumption. 
(Dominic is in complete silence for a moment again)
Dominic: Dude, that place was shut down years ago. Plus, it’s like (looks at the clock) 11 pm at night.  Why do you even wanna go there?
Thomas: I got something to celebrate. It’s pretty special, man. So get up and get goin. I’ll be waitin there, mkay?
Dominic: No, dude, no. That place is creepy and suspicious. I’ve heard of some crazy stories about that place. It’s like there’s some kind of a…something there, man. 
Thomas: Pshhh. Yeah right. You’re just too lazy to get out of your bed.
Dominic: It’s 11 pm! And what celebration even is that? And why there of all places?
Thomas: Just get up and get goin, man. You’ll see. It’ll be real fun. I promise.
Dominic: I don’t know.
Thomas: Come on. We won’t be that long.
Dominic: Hmmm…Fine. But, only because you’ve got sodas.
Thomas: Cool. Let’s meet up at the entrance.
B. Thomas and Dominic just arrived at the amusement park. They’re both at the entrance gate
Dialog – [They’re right beside each other]
Dominic: Man, this place is legit suspicious. (he’s looking at the gate entrance) (lightning strikes)
Thomas: You mean scary? (smirks)
Dominic: Pshhh, I’m not scared.
Thomas: I never said you were. (smirking again)
Dominic: Whatever man, whatever.
Thomas and Dominic: (they walk towards the gate as they talk)
Dominic: So uhm, what are we celebrating again? (they’re facing each other) You said that it’s pretty special.
Thomas: Oh yeah, I found a hundred dollar bill here this afternoon. I really got lucky today, huh?
(they stop walking) (silence for a moment) (the winds blows through)
Dominic: What?
Thomas: Yeah.
Thomas and Dominic: (silence for a moment)
Dominic: That’s it? 
Thomas: Yup.
Dominic: There’s nothin else?
Thomas: Pretty much, yeah.
Dominic: (facepalm) Ugh! You said this was gonna be special!
Thomas: It is special. Special celebration of my luck?
Dominic: Stumbling upon a hundred bucks isn’t special?
Thomas: Yeah it is, With a hundred bucks you can buy a lot of things. That’s how I got us some Loca Lolas, dude…man.
Dominic: Loca Whats?
Thomas: Loca Lolas. (shows the pack of sodas)
Dominic: Dude, those are so pricy. And they’re not even good that good…They’re not good at all actually.
Thomas: Yeah they are. The commercial said so. 
Dominic: You really believe that?
Thomas: Yup.
Dominic: (sigh) I can’t believe this. (looks around for a moment)
Thomas: (pops open a can of soda and takes a sip) Ugh. What the heck is in this?
Dominic: See. I told you. Those sodas are NOT good.
Thomas: Aw man. That commercial was a scam.
Dominic: Now come on, let’s just go home and go back to sleep.
Thomas: What? No. We haven’t even checked this place out.
Dominic: No, I’m goin home, man. This place is just filled with old piles of junk. I mean look at it. (they both look inside the amusement park) All dusty and old and…dusty.
Thomas: Nah man. There’s gotta be something cool in there. You already said it yourself. There’s some kind of a…something in there, and I wanna know what it is. You know, I’m a very curious person, man.
Dominic: No, we’re not goin in there. I’m not goin in there. Dominic is out. (start walking away)
Thomas: Whoa, whoa. Hang on. 
Dominic: (stops walking away)
Thomas: What if I go buy you a different pack of the sodas? I still got some cash to spare.
Dominic: No.
Thomas: The one you really like?
Dominic: Hmmm.
Thomas: Dude, we can pretty much do anything we want in this place. I mean it is abandoned. The whole area is all to us. We can go inspect this place like a bunch of detectives, and see what’s up.
Dominic: Hmm, I don’t know.
Thomas and Dominic: (they pause for a moment and have a thought)
Thomas: Or maybe you’re just too wussed out.
Dominic: What? 
Thomas: Uhh, my name is Dominic and I’m scared of old, dusty places. (mimicking Dominic’s voice) (laughs)
Dominic: I am not scared. I am not scared.
Thomas: Then let’s go Mr. Not Scared. 
Dominic: Alright. Fine. You wanna go? Then let’s go.
C – 15 minutes later, they exit out of the park. They found nothing interesting at all. 
Thomas: (sigh)
Dominic: I hope you’re satisfied now.


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