Present simple tense
e.g. I go to a restaurant with my friends.
I get up early.
I play tennis.
1. Frequency adverbs generally go before the main verb, but they go after the verb be:
I usually get up at 7.30. BUT I am often late. Students often make mistakes with this, e.g.
I often am late.
Also note that the adverb sometimes can also go at the beginning or end of a sentence, e.g.
Sometimes I go shopping on Saturdays.
I go shopping on Saturdays sometimes.
REVIEW 1: Add -s or -es where necessary.
(1) Snakes eat all sorts of things. (2) Eggs are a favorite food of many snakes. (3) When a snake eat an egg, the snake first curl around the egg. (4) It don't want the egg to roll away. (5) Then the snake open its mouth and move the egg into its throat. (6) It squeeze the egg with muscles in its neck. (7) The egg break and go into the snake's stomach. (8) Then the snake spit out the eggshell. (9) Snakes love to eat eggs.
REVIEW 2: Complete the dialogues with your own words by asking questions.
1. A: _______________________
B: No, I don't.
2. A: ___________________
B: Yes, I am.
3. A: _____________________
B: In an apartment.
4. A: _______________________
B: Monday.
5. A: ____________________
B: At home.
6. A: _____________________
B: No, he doesn't.
7. A: _____________________
B: No, she isn't.
8. A: ______________________
B: In Southeast Asia.
9. A: ______________________
B: Yes, it is.
10. A: ________________________
B: Yes, they do.
REVIEW 3: Correct the mistakes in the following sentences.
1. Yoko live in Japan.
2. Ann comes usually to class on time.
3. Peter watch TV every evening.
4. Anita carry a briefcase to work every day.
5. She enjoy her job.
6. I no know Joe.
7. Mike don't like milk. He never drink it.
8. Tina doesn't speaks Chinese. She speakes Spanish.
9. Do you are a student?
10. Does your roommate sleeps with the window open?
11. A: Do you like strong coffee?
B: Yes, I like.
12. Where your parents live?
13. What time is your English class begins?
14. Olga isn't need a car. She have a bicycle.
15. Do Pablo does his homework every day?
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